Welcome to JB's Cafe!

Hi, I own JB's (pet) Café!
I collect all sorts of...interesting...animal...VTubers.
Somehow, the majority of them are gay. Don't mind them being them!
Art of the cafe owner!
Reference sheet by SukiSoba

About JB
After many years of adventuring, I decided to open a café that can act as a safe space for everyone, with a specialty in animal VTubers and pets (and chickens, of course). I tend to listen to people's stories and try my best to give advice based on life experiences.
I'm known for my voice and have generally collaborated with the people I'm closest with. I'm part of a four-person group named the Eternal Seasons alongside Shiroichiro, Tuwi, and Sukisoba! I've been described as a comforting presence and a good listener!

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